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--> Dance Studio Transformation【電子書籍】[ Clint Salter ]|ダンススタジオ特選情報館。

<p>Dance Studio Transformation is for studio owners who love dance, love teaching and love their students but feel like they need help when it comes to running a profitable business. This book will teach you how to become the CEO of your studio by walking you through strategies and tactics to transform each area of your business.</p> <p>In this book you'll learn how to:</p> <p>● Set and achieve goals specific to you as a Studio Owner so you can grow your business and still have a life outside the studio.<br /> ● Manage your finances and the important figures you need to focus on to take your studio to new levels.<br /> ● Introduce additional revenue streams within 30 days that not only grow your profits but add tremendous value to your students.<br /> ● Overcome "overwhelm" when it comes to the administration work in your studio. Learn how to streamline your admin systems to free up at least 10 hours a week.<br /> ● Recruit, train and retain a faculty of all star staff. Bring in the right people the first time and see your students flourish.<br /> ● Build a stand out brand that sets you apart from the other studios in your area.<br /> ● Attract the right type of students through online and offline marketing with step by step proven strategies and tactics.<br /> ● Increase retention across your entire studio with systems that you can just rinse and repeat each year.</p> <p>This book is here to help you build the dream studio you have always wanted while you create a bigger impact in the lives of your local dance families plus it's about giving you back your life! Don't laugh...a life OUTSIDE the studio is possible! It's something that many of us believe isn't attainable for studio owners, but I'm here to tell you it is! More important, I'm here to show you how you can get that freedom.</p> <p>Whether you're about to start on your journey of being a studio owner or have been at it for years, whether you're struggling to get your head out of the water or have a highly profitable studio... this book is for you. I've created a bible of sorts to show you step by step how you can become the go to studio in your area. I've laid it all out so you can get the strategies and tactics then run with them.</p> <p>I'm excited for you to jump on in, to learn, to make positive changes in your studio and life and to start feeling empowered when it comes to being the Entrepreneur.</p> <p>As one of my mentors, Terry Hawkins, says: "There are two times in life, now and too late" and I hope you take advantage of the now. Join me and thousands of studio owners from around the world on this journey to making that dream studio you have always wanted a reality.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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税込価格 886円


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